After a 2 year break due to the pandemic, the fifth Little Scarlet Music Festival took place in the sunshine at Tiptree Farm. This is a festival for the local community which takes place in the Jubilee Orchard at Tiptree Farm. This year £5864 was donated to the British Red Cross Ukraine Appeal charity, through donated ticket sales.

Groovetails band on stage at Little Scarlet Festival


Local dramatic group Kyds opened the main stage with songs from their latest production, and six local bands performed on the stage which was created from green Tiptree lorries.

 The line up of local bands featured The Lamplight Club, Groovetails, The Circus Life, The Significant Others, Porteous and The Lettuce Heads, providing a great mixture of genres and bringing the crowd to their feet to dance in the sunshine.

The Lettuceheads on stage at The Little Scarlet Festival



Festival visitors were encouraged to step up to the stripy red and yellow ‘Busk Stop’ tent to sing to the crowd in between the stage performances.

Children’s entertainer Gunpower Gertie provided the children with plenty of activities, with lots of fun during the Kids Cabaret and Tug of War.

Face painting, henna tattoos and hula hooping were enjoyed and visitors cooled down by enjoying ice creams or cocktails on the Tiptree Bus.


Aimee Smith, Chloe Alderton and Liz Baker at The Little Scarlet Festival



Event Organiser Jeanette Lynes said “It was a great pleasure to be able to run the Little Scarlet Music Festival again and for it to bring so much fun and enjoyment back to the community. The last couple of years have been a difficult time for most and, thanks to Wilkin & Sons, this was exactly what we all needed. My sincere gratitude goes out to everyone involved with this event; crew, performers, participants and patrons for their help in raising funds for a worthwhile charity.”


Jeanette Lynes - Event Organiser