On 7th March 2024 it is World Book Day. Below are a few books that we have been privileged to be included in throughout the years.
From Russia With Love - Ian Fleming

Did you know that Little Scarlet is one of James Bond's favourite conserves? Our favourite little strawberry is mentioned in the Ian Fleming novel, From Russia with love.
Here Comes The Fun - Ben Aitken

We enjoyed reading Ben Aitken’s book ‘Here comes the fun!’ where Ben writes about his adventures in the pursuit of fun. Ben came to visit us at Tiptree and described his visit as “enormous fun” and “better than Alton Towers” which was lovely to hear.
For Love and Courage - Edited by Anne Nason
The following quote is from For Love and Courage edited by Anne Nason which mentions our products in a letter home from the western front. “Some tinned vegetables & perhaps some bottled Tiptree Raspberries. Cherry jam occasionally but the main jam supply to be Little Scarlets.”