We always enjoy chatting to people and sampling our products at events throughout the year.
Keep an eye on our social media for future event dates and look out for our Tiptree Double Decker Bus or Tiptree green trailer at the below events;

The Tiptree Team at Maldon Mud Race

  • Open Farm Sunday, Tiptree Farm - Sunday 9th June, 10am – 2pm. Farm tours with tractor and trailer or vintage buses, our Tiptree Double Decker Bus and much more. Food and refreshments are available. Find out more here www.farmsunday.org

  • Wings and Wags Dog Show, Stow Maries - 4th August.   www.stowmaries.org.uk
  • Little Scarlet Festival, Tiptree Farm – Saturday 31st August, 1pm – 7pm including our Tiptree Double Decker Bus.